What would you do with an extra $1000/month?

That’s a question that Uncle Ramit posted in one of the IWT emails, and it got me really excited.

I’ll share my actions then I’ll explore why I got excited and what that could mean / imply.

– I really want to get pre-planned meals delivered, with the right macros and ingredients. Some of the offerings I saw are in the $400-600 price range but tbh, I’d happily pay good money to fuel my body with food that is: responsibly sourced, nutritious, balanced and convenient. I’d rather not cook and my simple meals are starting to get a little difficult to keep up with happily haha.

– One or two spa / massage days a month. Not more because I like the anticipation and how much more special it feels when it’s rare. I don’t really have a need for either, but I’ve had days where my workouts seem to take an extra toll on me, or the weather’s been extra chilly. To hop into a sauna or hot stone spa would be *chef’s kisssss*

– Coaching / classes. Learning online is definitely doable, but I’ve come to realise then when it’s about skills, I much prefer having personal attention and that level of accountability. Things I want to learn to an acceptable level of proficiency (likely one at a time, to really lean in and excel): classical singing, metal singing (what a jump hahaha), throat singing (ok didn’t realise I want to do so much singing lol the magic of writing stuff down amirite), woodworking, muay Thai, BJJ, gymnastics. That’s it for now! Pretty sure the list might grow with time.

To be honest those are pretty much all the things I WANT to spend a bomb on, but have not.

But now the why. Why did I get excited about thinking of spending more money?

Well for a start more income means more freedom to me. My idea of freedom is closely tied to convenience and access to information. I love self improvement and learning. And I think since these opportunities are always just out there on my radar, I quickly linked more money to bringing those goals nearer to me.

There’s also the possible assumption that more will be better, when my present situation is in fact better than a few years ago. Yet I don’t feel that same sensation of freedom and excitement thinking of my everyday life.

Equilibrium being one factor, there is a more practical one: I’m spending within my means but don’t have a whole lot left over. I don’t spend too much on myself besides necessities, but a sizeable chunk of my incomes goes towards supporting causes I truly believe in.

I can definitely stop them at any time and free up more money for my own use, but I’ve thought about it, and decided that that won’t give me the same sense of being true to my life’s purpose and mission.

So for the time being, being true to who I want to be = not having as much disposable income as I’d like, but it’s a trade off that’s well worth the cost imo.

All of a sudden I feel like I have nothing left to say so I’ll stop here.

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